Excerpt from instructional DVD series for teachers of young children titled: Facing The Challenge.
05:25 min
This talk explores all these questions along with how the lack of emotional literacy in our culture has significant power when it comes to the way we parent. It explores how compassion, empathy and mindfulness have a place in raising children – as well as in our education system.
Kelli Didomenico of The Children's Workshop shared the following tips to managing challenging behaviors in children: The Rhode Show is WPRI 12's daily lifestyle show for having fun, eating well, and living life.
Parents need to be aware of their child's developmental progress, and even their gender when considering behavioural expectations. Kids need one on one time with parents, emotionally available parents, understanding, and effective limit setting to overcome challenging behaviour.
Tal Ben-Shahar discusses current research on the science of happiness and introduces ideas and tools that can actually make a difference in one's life.
The session focuses on strategies to effectively address more challenging behaviours and outlines further training and support that is available to practitioners.
Challenging behaviour is a form of communication. If the teacher is able to become someone who is able to understand what is being communicated, their classroom and the lives of the vulnerable pupils in it will be transformed.
Dr. Nancy Rappaport of Harvard Medical School, author of 'The Behavior Code' with Jessica Minahan, discusses strategies for helping kids with disruptive behavior problems learn in the classroom.
Learn how to deal with a child who acts out during transitions. We use a role play example to clearly demonstrate interventions that can help manage acting out behaviors.
This film follows life inside 5 UK primary schools to uncover the enormous challenges faced by teachers dealing with violent and disruptive behaviour.
The DVD, produced by Grace Hanlon, M.S.