Indre speaks with a pediatric specialist to discuss how doctors examine patients, and whether medical intuition is possible.
04:03 min
The chances of a cancer diagnosis were four times higher when gut feelings were recorded, and the chances of those suspicions being correct rose as doctors became more experienced or when they knew the patient better.
For centuries, we’ve talked about a network called the chakra system. In terms of medical intuition, these are emotional centers. Why do I use this term?
In this groundbreaking, major work on intuition, well-being, and brain science, Dr. Mona Lisa Schulz reveals innovative, fresh, and exciting ways to tap into intuitions that have the power to improve your health and save your life.
Just as an X-ray machine scans a body in order to gain specific medical details, an intuitive scan works to provide an energetic portrait of the client.
A Medical Intuitive is a psychic or intuitive counselor who specializes in perceiving information concerning the human body. A Medical Intuitive can energetically read the insides (organs, glands, blood, etc.) of our bodies.
After we sat down at her kitchen table, the medical intuitive (let's call her Carol) picked up a small piece of paper with a drawing of the human form on it, much like the chalk outlines associated with crime victims. We sat in silence for at least five minutes.
Medical Intuition is a system of expanded perception gained through the human sense of intuition. Medical Intuition focuses on visualization skills and intuitive and innovative scanning to obtain information from the physical body and its energy systems.
On a recent fall day, I found myself sitting in a conference room, surrounded by five of my spirit guides. Historically, in Western spiritualism, a spirit guide is said to serve as a kind of human protector.
One day in massage school Teresa Eidt “saw” the inside of her client’s abdomen. “I was in awe. I was shown a cancerous ulcer on the internal wall of her abdomen,” she says. “My career changed at that moment.
Without your body you would not be here. Your body is the door. The Medical Intuitive Body Scan is the key to finding the root cause of your blocks, illness, or disease.