04:19 min
This book gives us a look behind the scenes of a Rosen Method bodywork session. The author reveals the philosophy that results in the deceptively simple words and touch that prove to be the magic key to unlocking tension held for years in the body.
While working as a physical therapist in Oakland, California, in the 1950s, Marion Rosen was asked by several clients how they could prevent aches and pains and avoid physical therapy treatments. This question inspired Rosen to begin teaching movement classes in 1956.
In this long-awaited description of the body-centered therapy developed by Marion Rosen, the reader begins to understand how emotional and physical ailments can be addressed through the gentle touch of the Rosen practitioner.
This seminal work made its debut in 1977, and it has since remained the most important reference for Rolfers around the world. In this new edition, the late Dr.
A warm and wise self-portrait of the woman who originated the therapy that bears her name.
Featuring more than 250 photographs and 50 anatomical drawings, this revised edition of Deep Tissue Massage is the standard guide to the essentials of touch, biomechanics, and positioning options for a multitude of strategies to treat all major conditions encountered in a bodywork practice.