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Oprah’s Favorite Passage from “A Return to Love” | Super Soul Sunday | Oprah Winfrey Network

By Marianne Williamson — 2012

Watch as Marianne explains why we fear our light more than our darkness and how everyone has a built-in platform to connect with others. Plus, discover the difference between magic and miracles.

03:23 min


Jeff Foster - Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview

Jeff Foster graduated in Astrophysics from Cambridge University in 2001. Several years after graduation, following a period of severe depression and illness, he became addicted to the idea of 'spiritual enlightenment', and embarked on an intensive spiritual search which lasted for several years.

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Olympian Gracie Gold Gets Candid About Her Mental Health with Michelle Kwan | Thank You Notes

Michelle Kwan may be one of the best figure skaters of all time, but it’s her incredible resolve that made her such an inspiration to fellow skater Gracie Gold. In this video, Gracie tells Michelle: “You once estimated that you’ve fallen 131,000 times in your skating career.

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2016 Sacred Practice: Sufi Practice with Shaikh Kabir Helminski

Shaikh Kabir Helminski is a Sufi master of the 700 year old Mevlevi order, the lineage of Jalaluddin Rumi. Sufism (tasawwuf) is the inner, spiritual, mystical dimension of Islam. Its aim is the development of Presence and Love.

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Just Breathe: Dealing with Fear and Anxiety After Cancer

In this LiveLaughLearn video from Rethink Breast Cancer, Dr. Mary Elliott shares tips for dealing with stress and fear after a cancer diagnosis.

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There’s Nothing Wrong with You! Spirituality as a Celebration of Imperfection—Jeff Foster

Author/speaker Jeff Foster talks about some of the misconceptions about enlightenment. He talks about your inherent perfection, your total uniqueness and original flavor, and your true pre-conceptual identity as the ever-present light of consciousness itself.

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"How I Freed Myself From Ego In 7 Days! (And You Can Too!)" Jeff Foster

Jeff Foster talks about exhaustion with spiritual seeking; how the mind is always seeking something 'out there', when the real treasure is much closer.

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How to Support a Loved One in Pain?—Jeff Foster

Jeff Foster talks with a woman about how to best support a loved one who is in emotional distress. Recorded 26th April live in Holland.

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Karen Johnson: Being Human Is a Development

At her SAND 2018 appearance, Karen Johnson, co-founder of the Diamond Approach, reminds us that “human” comes from humus, the earth, and “being” is what we feel meaningless without. We feel both these to be real, to be who we are.

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Adyashanti - the Antidote to Fear

The antidote to fear is to reconnect with the immediate sense of now. During this broadcast from the Peace Room, Adyashanti speaks about the fear that can arise from encountering the unknown. When we focus only on our fear, we can lose connection with the concrete reality of the moment.

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Spiritual Survival Skills for a World in Chaos

In this 90-minute workshop, Craig shares several powerful practices you can incorporate into your life to help you stay centered and grounded no matter what challenges the pandemic brings your way.

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