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Grandmaster Wong Kew Kit - Qigong: The Spiritual Benefits of a Non Religious Practice


Grandmaster Wong Kew Kit discusses how the practice of qigong, with its roots in Taoism and Buddhism, can benefit anyone regardless of their faith.

09:36 min


Simple Yoga for Daily Healing

Lauren explains the energy system and how it works when there is a trauma. CJ shares her recent concussion and Lauren uses this as a model to explain how an injury is held within the body. Lauren explains the importance of moving energy forward and integrating it so that it doesn't get stuck.

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Lauren Walker

Interview of Lauren Walker of Energy Medicine Yoga by Denise Porter Kemp Lauren Walker, a longtime practitioner and teacher of yoga, was introduced to Energy Medicine as a way to heal trauma in her own life.

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Lauren Walker - Remedy for Lasting Headache Relief

A guided practice to use as a remedy of your headaches with energy medicine yoga.

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