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Feldenkrais Method and Chronic Pain: How Does It Work?


With Jane Brody’s recent NYT article titled Trying the Feldenkrais Method for Chronic Pain, many are wondering how exactly does the method help. Cynthia Allen, Feldenkrais practitioner provides the top 4 ways she finds it helps, all grounded in science.

13:29 min


3 Entrepreneurs Talk About Their Mental Health Journey

Here's why it's especially important for entrepreneurs need to talk about mental health.

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How to Prioritize Your Mental Health as an Entrepreneur | Forbes

What is the healthy balance between growing your brand and taking care of your mental health as an entrepreneur? Here are five ways entrepreneurs can have better mental health.

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Entrepreneurship & Mental Health: Expert Perspectives

What are the most common mental health problems that entrepreneurs suffer from — and what can startups and founders do? Mental health experts answer these crucial questions, and offer their ideas for how to prioritize mental wellness while also growing a business.

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Chronic Pain