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Feldenkrais Method and Chronic Pain: How Does It Work?


With Jane Brody’s recent NYT article titled Trying the Feldenkrais Method for Chronic Pain, many are wondering how exactly does the method help. Cynthia Allen, Feldenkrais practitioner provides the top 4 ways she finds it helps, all grounded in science.

13:29 min


10 Important Pressure Points that Actually Heal Your Body and Mind

Acupressure pressure points are documented to have healing effects. Here are 10 to remember that can help treat you right on the spot if you have aches and pains. So remember these pressure points.

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Help for Your Lower Back and Hips with Donna Eden, Dondi Dahlin, and Titanya Dahlin!

The sacrum is a triangle-shaped bone at the base of your spine. It is also called the "sacred" or "holy" bone by many cultures.

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Chronic Pain