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Channeling the Spirit World on Halloween with Medium Claire Broad and Theresa Cheung


This Halloween when the veil between this life and the next is said to lift, afterlife author Theresa Cheung and medium Claire Broad join forces with the spirit world to bring you a séance to enlighten you and show you how heaven is answering you in both direct and indirect ways all the time. See more...

55:46 min


Overview of the Anastasi System of Psychic Development Level 4

Introduction to Channeling & Spirit Communication, covering the ethics of channeling and mediumship, meditation and preparation styles, protection and opening techniques as well as how to channel and be a medium.

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How to Distinguish Between Your Own Thoughts and Channeling or Psychic Communication

How to distinguish your own thoughts form a channeled message. Also covering psychic and mediumship practice and figuring out if it's your own thoughts or not. Lots of love. x

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Psychic Protection Masterclass for Experienced Practitioners and Beginners — Insights and Exercises

This Psychic Protection class (based on the bestselling book 'Psychic Protection') is for experienced practitioners and beginners. Filled with practical exercises and great insights, it will help you maintain your strength and centre in disturbing vibrations.

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The Anastasi System of Psychic Development - Level 2: Energy and Auras - Preview

Psychic Development Level 2 is a complete class by itself. Completion of Level 1 is helpful, but not a pre-requisite.

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Channeling Spirit, Psychic Development Tips, & Human Ascension Wisdom

Spirit is encouraging everyone to start opening up to their soul purpose, psychic development, and true ascension journey, which is focused on being openly and honestly yourself – to yourself and to this world.

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Kreskin Meets Witch Dame Sybil Leek

Kreskin meets Dame Sybil Leek, the psychic and witch. Kreskin asks audience member to participate in card game with tiny skull keyring. He discusses dream reading with audience members. as well as exploring 'occult' phenomena of table moving.

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Helen Palmer: Personality Development and the Psyche: Thinking Allowed DVD W/ Jeffrey Mishlove

Certain paranoid and neurotic states can open the mind to a range of intuitive and psychic experiences, according to this provocative discussion with Helen Palmer, Ph.D.

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