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Susie Beiler Her Spiritual Guidance & Channeling | Episode 28 They Call Us Channelers


Susie Beiler is a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner and lead facilitator in The Creation Temple®. With training in Occupational Therapy and Holistic Nutrition, Susie experienced a profound shift in 2004, after a sudden spiritual awakening. See more...

01:02:41 min


The Natural Healing Process of Awakening - Jon Bernie - Unconditional Love

During an Online Satsang on February 13th, 2021, nondual spiritual teacher and author Jon Bernie speaks about the natural healing process of awakening.

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Dan Harris - Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview

Dan Harris is the author of "10% Happier: How I Tamed the Voice in My Head. He was named co-anchor of ABC News' "Nightline" in October 2013. He is also co-anchor of the weekend edition of "Good Morning America," a position he has held since October 2010.

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