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The Truth About Channels and Channeling


Channeling is the act of translating messages from another consciousness. In the spiritual field, this usually means translating messages from beings that exist outside of the 3D reality. A Channel is a person who has the ability to channel these beings. See more...

22:32 min


How to Recreate Your Identity

Patrick Bet-David is interviewed by Tom Bilyeu on Impact Theory and in this short clip they discuss the process of discovering identity, what is the identity and how can others begin to shape it.

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Gary Zukav: Words of Wisdom—Defining Authentic Power | Women for One

Gary Zukav reveals a revolutionary new path for spiritual growth in his book Spiritual Partnership: The Journey to Authentic Power.

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The Most Powerful Way to Start Healing Your Past & Building Your Future | Joe Dispenza & Jay Shetty

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Change Your Life by Changing Your Thought Process | Brendon Burchard

Life coach to billionaires and one of the greatest influencers of all time, Brendon Burchard knows exactly how to make an impact.

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How to Design Your Destiny

This is Brendon filmed in a single take and unscripted, just ranting about life without notes or a prompter.

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Dr. Wayne Dyer on the Art of Manifestation

How is the art of manifestation different from the law of attraction? Watch as Dr. Wayne Dyer explains how we all have the ability to manifest anything we want into our lives.

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