19:02 min
This invaluable resource tells how to use nutrition, minerals, massage, herbs, homeopathy, acupuncture, acupressure, flower essences, and psychic healing for optimal health. Meticulously researched. Fully illustrated. Comprehensive guide to holistic healing methods. Extensive resource directory.
Award-winning author Temple Grandin is famous for her groundbreaking approach to decoding animal behavior. Now she extends her expert guidance to small-scale farming operations.
The key to telepathy with your furry friend: ‘You just have to trust your imagination’.
Drawing on years of experience working with pet owners and rescue services, Amelia Kinkade shares the program she developed to foster interspecies communication.
Drawing on the latest research and her own work, animal scientist and author Temple Grandin identifies the core emotional needs of animals. Then she explains how to fulfill them, and teaches us to challenge our assumptions about animal contentment and honor our bond with our fellow creatures.
After five years of extensive research involving thousands of people who have pets and work with animals, Dr. Sheldrake proves conclusively what many pet owners already know: there is a strong connection between humans and animals that defies present-day scientific understanding.
A new look at what humans can learn from nonhuman minds.
An incredible, revolutionary true story and surprisingly simple guide to teaching your dog to talk from speech-language pathologist Christina Hunger, who has taught her dog, Stella, to communicate using simple paw-sized buttons associated with different words.
“I absolutely think any regular person with the right information and motivation could teach their dog to talk,” says speech therapist Christina Hunger. “Patience is probably the most important part of this. Dogs are essentially learning a second language.”
Would you like to know what your animal companion is really thinking? If you're holding this book, the ability is literally within your grasp.