Never underestimate the healing power of love.
05:47 min
Dr. Fredrickson is the Kenan Distinguished Professor of Psychology and Principal Investigator of the Positive Emotions and Psychophysiology Lab at the University of North Carolina. She is a leading scholar within social psychology, affective science, and positive psychology.
What is love? How do positive emotions affect our bodies and minds? Can we actively increase our own and our children's capacity for love? What are the implications for parents and teachers?
Does parental love without consciousness turn into need, dependency and control?
Why am I so attached to having people who abandoned me in my life? Kim helps the questioner get in touch with her anger so she can see that each person is only able to love at their level of consciousness.
This conversation took place as part of a week-long Wisdom School in
In celebration of her new book, “Real Love: The Art of Mindful Connection,” Buddhist teacher Sharon Salzberg joined bell hooks and Lion’s Roar’s Melvin McLeod for a recent conversation at JCC Manhattan.
Johns Hopkins Researcher Mary Cosimano shares promising results from clinical trials of guided psilocybin sessions being utilized in the treatment of addiction, depression, and cancer/end-of-life. The impressive results offer much hope for an effective treatment to heal “hearts and minds.
You were born to experience intimacy, and you can create it with love.
Joan Borysenko talking about a mystical experience of forgiveness at the death of her mother.
An evening with Ram Dass and Eckhart Tolle - these two teachers engage in an open conversation about spiritual awakening and the transformation of consciousness, October 28, 2011 in Maui, HI.