03:47 min
In today’s episode, Nicole unravels the secrets to overcoming chronic pain. She’ll share with you exactly what you need to do to overcome your pain. If you suffer from chronic pain, like how Mikhaila suffered from chronic fatigue, watching this episode is a must.
Your pain has a story to tell. Your trauma has a story to tell. If you fail to hear it, it may stick around and continue poking you like a child. JournalSpeak gives your pain and trauma a safe and effective way to rise, allowing your pain to tell its story and then gently take leave.
Nicole introduces the series with a little personal background, and invites you to join her on this healing journey. She outlines some of the cases she has seen heal, completely, simply from doing this work.
Speaker, author and psychotherapist Nicole Sachs sat in with the Heal Squad to discuss her journey through extreme chronic pain - and a condition doctor’s said was hopeless.