03:47 min
Doron is introducing here his favorite go-to lesson as a remedy for back pain. While it’s not necessarily a “formula” for relieving back pain, Doron has taught this lesson to hundreds of people who have benefitted from it.
This Feldenkrais lesson will bring some relief to sciatic nerve pain. This condition is ever so common nowadays because of all the sitting we are doing. The sciatic nerve is one of the first things to be affected when it comes to too much sitting.
In this video, Peter Levine will share how he helped uncover an incomplete traumatic response that was stuck in the body.
On Megyn Kelly TODAY, Megyn is joined by Adrienne Cerulo, who says a healing technique known as tapping freed her from four years of excruciating pain, and Nick Ortner, author of “The Tapping Solution.
Lessons from the life of Marion Rosen. A short documentary based on interviews that Roger Dackegaard did with Marion Rosen in Berkeley 2009.
In today’s episode, Nicole unravels the secrets to overcoming chronic pain. She’ll share with you exactly what you need to do to overcome your pain. If you suffer from chronic pain, like how Mikhaila suffered from chronic fatigue, watching this episode is a must.
Speaker, author and psychotherapist Nicole Sachs sat in with the Heal Squad to discuss her journey through extreme chronic pain - and a condition doctor’s said was hopeless.
What are the causes and sources of Chronic Pains? Does surgery work? Are the better alternatives? How do traditional interventions of drugs and surgery compare to placebos?