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Powerful Ancient Tummo Breathwork | Breathe and Flow Yoga


The increase of oxygen will result in higher ph levels in your body which will make the immune system, cardiovascular system and others function better. It also releases your 'happy' hormones and will often leave you feel euphoric. See more...

19:55 min

59 Ways to Turn Your Mind Around

The way to bodhicitta, the mind of compassion, is marked by the fifty-nine lojong slogans. Gaylon Ferguson points us in the right direction.

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Touching Enlightenment: Finding Realization in the Body

What does it mean to “meditate with the body”? Until you answer this question, explains Reggie Ray, meditation may be no more than a mental gymnastic ―something you can practice for years without fruitful results.

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The Practice of Pure Awareness: Somatic Meditation for Awakening the Sacred

Perhaps the most precious teaching Tibet has to offer the modern world is the practice of meditation. Reginald Ray presents the essence of this tradition through the somatic practice of Pure Awareness—a unique kind of meditation that is thoroughly grounded in the body and in ordinary experience.

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