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How to Breathe | Belisa Vranich | TEDxManhattanBeach


Breathing - so essential to life, and yet most of us are doing it wrong! Dr. Belisa Vranich, psychologist and breathing expert, shares some surprising information about breathing and teaches us all how to do it right.

10:26 min

5 Ways Breathwork Can Support a Mindful Pregnancy

The breath is the foundation of every mindfulness practice, and it is also the foundation of life. Establishing a relationship with your breath, especially while pregnant, will have lasting effects for you and the child you are bringing into the world.

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Breathwork: How to Use Your Breath to Change Your Life

Harness the power of your breath to nourish your mind, body, and spirit. For anyone in search of peace, clarity, and calm, Breathwork is an all-levels handbook of breathwork techniques—the practice of combining breathing exercises with meditation.

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