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How to Breathe | Belisa Vranich | TEDxManhattanBeach


Breathing - so essential to life, and yet most of us are doing it wrong! Dr. Belisa Vranich, psychologist and breathing expert, shares some surprising information about breathing and teaches us all how to do it right.

10:26 min

Wim Hof: The Man and the Method

Your breathing rate and pattern is a process within the autonomic nervous system that you can control to some extent to achieve different results.

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Can Breathing Like Wim Hof Make Us Superhuman?

Wim Hof has run marathons barefoot and shirtless above the Arctic Circle, dove under the ice at the North Pole and languished in ice baths for north of 90 minutes—all feats that he attributes to a special kind of breathing practice.

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Becoming the Iceman: Pushing Past Perceived Limits

Becoming the Iceman is a project inspired by Wim and Justin to show the world that anyone can adopt the ability to become an Iceman or Icewoman.

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