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4 Ways to Stop an Anxiety Spiral | Super Soul Sunday | Oprah Winfrey Network

By Brené Brown — 2018

Often, we let worrisome thoughts accelerate into a maelstrom of what-ifs until we're sucked into a vortex of negative thinking. Here, thought leaders like Jon Kabat-Zinn, Brené; Brown, Michael Singer and Eckhart Tolle reveal their secrets to stopping anxiety before it spirals out of control.

03:50 min


Richard Davidson, PhD - the Science of Mindfulness

Davidson describes what he describes as "contemplative neuroscience."

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Meditation, Science & the Mind - Pt. 1 - Dr. Richard Davidson - Benefits of Meditation on the Brain

The impact of meditation on cultivating more positive emotional qualities.

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The Science of a Happy Mind, Part 2 | Nat Geo Live

Renowned neuroscientist Richard Davidson is finding that happiness is something we can cultivate and a skill that can be learned. Working with the Dalai Lama, Davidson is investigating the far-reaching impact of mindfulness, meditation, and the cultivation of kindness on human health and well-being.

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How Mindfulness Changes the Emotional Life of Our Brains | Richard J. Davidson | TEDxSanFrancisco

“Why is it that some people are more vulnerable to life’s slings and arrows and others more resilient?” In this eye-opening talk, Richard Davidson discusses how mindfulness can improve well-being and outlines strategies to boost four components of a healthy mind: awareness, connection,...

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The Heart-Brain Connection: The Neuroscience of Social, Emotional, and Academic Learning

Neuroscientist Richard Davidson presents his research on how social and emotional learning can affect the brain.

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