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Coping with Sickness


Together with children, watch Buddy and his mom deal with his dad being sick and quarantined in another room. See more...

01:04 min


Growing Up Digital: Life in A World of Networks and Screens

For nearly all of human history, communication and social interaction involved face-to-face contact. Now, screen-based digital devices mediate a substantial array of interactions.

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Returning to “Athlete” after Concussion | Jaclyn Stephens | TEDxCSU

Athletes who have sustained concussions are at a heightened risk for new injuries, including new concussions, when they return to play. This increased risk of new injury is likely due to ineffective evaluation and treatment protocols.

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Polyvagal Theory on Feeling Safe

Dr. Stephen Porges, creator of the Polyvagal Theory, discusses how we need to learn skills to trigger" feelings of safety in the body. This is an excerpt from an interview with Dr. Stephen Porges.

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Dr. Gabor Maté on the Connection Between Stress and Disease

In this talk, Dr. Maté shared his insights into how disease can be the body’s way of saying ‘no’ to that which the mind cannot or will not acknowledge.

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Child’s Anxiety