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Taoism | Reincarnation & the Afterlife - What Happens After Death?


In these unusual times, it’s extra difficult for a loved one to pass away. This video shares the Taoist view what might happen after the heart stops beating. What is death? Reincarnation? Is there an afterlife?

06:42 min


Pema Khandro Buddhism and Reincarnation

Pema Khandro discusses the notion of Reincarnation in Buddhism and how this idea is connected with the Buddhist worldview of interdependence, cause and effect, momentum of karmic actions and the motivation to interrupt cycles of unconscious habitual existence.

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Reincarnation of Hindus and Rebirth of Buddhism | Jay Lakhani | Hindu Academy

Reincarnation of Hindus and Rebirth of Buddhism

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"Rebirth vs Reincarnation" at Southeast Missouri State U

Bhante Vimalaramsi spends an evening giving a talk about Rebirth vs Reincarnation and many other topics Nov 2013 at Cape Girardeau, MO.

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Reincarnation, Rebirth, Resurrection and What's Next

One of the most common questions I get on Buddhist teachings is on the concept of rebirth, resurrection and reincarnation. Here are some points to consider. These are three very different ideas if we look closely.

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Past Lives and Reincarnation