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Louise Hay - Stress

By Louise Hay — 2020

12:10 min


Managing Cancer-Related Anxiety and General Mood Changes

Being diagnosed with cancer and undergoing treatment can impact a patient's mental well-being. This video discusses anxiety and general mood as it can relate to a cancer experience.

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Stress Is Killing Us: Dr. Sanjay Gupta Diagnoses the Cause—and Cures—in HBO Doc

Americans are dying sooner, increasingly self-medicating with drugs and alcohol, and committing suicide at alarming rates, and according to neurosurgeon and CNN’s Emmy Award-winning chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta it all traces back to constant stress. On “Salon Talks,” Dr.

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The Secret to Self-Development and Changing Your Life | Motivational Video

In this video I share with you the secret to self-development and changing your life. Self-development is the only path to accelerating your growth and actualizing your potential as a human being.

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3 Practical Tips to Stop Overthinking and Become Stress Free Instantly | Swami Mukundananda

In this video Swami Mukundananda shares 3 Powerful and Practical Tips to Stop Overthinking and become Stress Free. These 3 tips are so powerful that if regularly practiced you will be able to stop overthinking and become stress free in a moment.

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Do All People with Mental Illnesses Think the Same? | Spectrum

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Olympian Gracie Gold Gets Candid About Her Mental Health with Michelle Kwan | Thank You Notes

Michelle Kwan may be one of the best figure skaters of all time, but it’s her incredible resolve that made her such an inspiration to fellow skater Gracie Gold. In this video, Gracie tells Michelle: “You once estimated that you’ve fallen 131,000 times in your skating career.

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The Art of Mental Health Advocacy | Matilda (crazyheadcomics) | TEDxKI

How many people do you know who live with mental illness? With the ever increasing prevalence of mental illness come questions of what we can do to curb the growth of this global health crisis.

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Stress First Aid: Caring for Veterans Introduction

This course discusses the various stressors caregivers are presented with on a daily basis and how to cope. Dr. Patricia Watson of the National Center for PTSD presents tools for self-care and coping by highlighting five core essential elements.

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An Alarming Milestone with Veterans’ Mental Health

A new report shows there has been a steady rise in veteran suicide that overtakes the number of soldiers who were killed in combat. Col. Michael Hudson joins the show to discuss possible solutions.

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Trained Not to Cry: The Challenge of Being a Soldier | Richard Doss | TEDxNaperville

Members and Veterans of the US Armed Forces have unacceptably high suicide rates. Why? It’s not the combat experience like one would suggest, but a much more complex issue that needs to be talked about.

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