Introduction to the Trager Approach and a Trager demonstration with Julie Kingston and Harry Dalford
07:29 min
Rosen Method Theory Talks from 1982: Video by Paula Kimbro of a talk and demonstration by Marion Rosen in 1982. The basic theory of Rosen Method is covered and Marion maps the emotions in the body.
"Talking with Marion" interview by Paula Kimbro
In this video, Michale Chatham, BSN LMT explains why bodywork is done in conjunction with a tongue tie release at Smile Ranch Dentistry. Bodywork prior to a release is imperative to see a good outcome, and the tongue is connected to many different parts of the body.
Eileen asks Byron to talk about how her inquiry-based work relates to the body. In her answer, Byron provides a brief introduction to her powerful 4-question process.