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Power Foods for the Brain | Neal Barnard | TEDxBismarck


Dr. Barnard has led numerous research studies investigating the effects of diet on diabetes, body weight, and chronic pain, including a groundbreaking study of dietary interventions in type 2 diabetes, funded by the National Institutes of Health. Dr. See more...

17:01 min


Movement Makes Us Human: Kelly McGonigal, PhD | Rich Roll Podcast

A health psychologist and lecturer at Stanford University who specializes in understanding the mind-body connection, Kelly is a pioneer in the field of ‘science-help,’ translating insights from psychology and neuroscience into practical strategies that support personal well-being and community...

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Dr. Rick Hanson Speaking at the Neuroplasticity and Education Conference - October 25, 2013

Dr. Rick Hanson speaking at the Neuroplasticity and Education: Strengthening the Connection conference presented by the Eaton Educational Group at the Westin Bayshore Hotel on October 25, 2013.

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Rick Hanson Speaking on the Not-Craving Brain

Rick Hanson Speaking on The Not-Craving Brain at Mindfulness Conference by FACES Conferences.

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Neuroplasticity: Rick Hanson Explains How to Use Our Minds to Change Our Brains

Rick Hanson explains how we can use our minds to change our brains to change our minds for the better. This video was taken at the Greater Good Science Center in UC Berkeley as part of the Science of a Meaningful Life Series.

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‘Default Mode Network’ Is Suppressed by Meditation Practice | Roland Griffiths

It is Dr. Patrick’s goal to challenge the status quo and encourage the wider public to think about health and longevity using a proactive, preventative approach.

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Making the Most of Getting Older—Barbara Marx Hubbard

85-year-old Barbara Marx Hubbard, author of CONSCIOUS EVOLUTION: Awakening the Power of Our Social Potential, talks about evolutionary aging and feeling newer every day.

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Dynamic Neural Retraining System DVD Series

Dynamic Neural Retraining System is a neural rehabilitation program that has been highly effective in the treatment and recovery from limbic system disorders including Chronic Fatigue Syndrome CFS, Fibromyalgia FM, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity MCS, and Environment Illness EI.

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Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS) Public Talk - Helsinki, Finland

Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS) President and Founder Annie Hopper speaks on "The Brain, Chronic Illness, and Limbic System Rehabilitation" before a full house at the Allergiatalo (Allergy House) in Helsinki, Finland.

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How Do Psychedelic Drugs Work on the Brain?

Dr Robin Carhart-Harris talks about his scientific research into the effects and potential therapeutic uses of psychedelic drugs. Join him as he discusses brain imaging work involving psilocybin, the active ingredient of magic mushrooms, and explains how the drug works in the brain.

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Psychedelics Expert Dr Robin Carhart-Harris on What Exactly Happens to the Brain on a Trip

Dr. Robin Carhart-Harris, Director of the Centre for Psychedelic Research at Imperial College London, explains the chemical processes that occur in the brain during a psychedelic trip in this sample from the Idler Online Course, "The Science of Psychedelics".

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Brain Health