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How I Quit Drinking by Rebalancing My Brain Chemistry


Chris Scott started Fit Recovery in 2014 to help others benefit from his experience in beating alcohol addiction. See more...

57:03 min


The Secret to Self Control | Jonathan Bricker | TEDxRainier

Jonathan Bricker’s work has uncovered a scientifically sound approach to behavior change that is twice as effective as most currently practiced methods. His methods are driving new norms and new apps for how people quit smoking and decrease obesity, saving many people from an early death.

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Broken: My Story of Addiction and Redemption

William Cope Moyers spiraled into a crack-cocaine binge that threatened to destroy his life. After multiple attempts at rehabilitation, Moyers was finally able to recover from his addiction and make sobriety the center of his life. Moyers discussed his story.

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Robb Wolf Explains Why Quitting Junk Food Is Hard - The Joe Rogan Experience

Joe Rogan talks to Robb Wolf about junk food.

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Addiction Recovery