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How I Quit Drinking by Rebalancing My Brain Chemistry


Chris Scott started Fit Recovery in 2014 to help others benefit from his experience in beating alcohol addiction. See more...

57:03 min


Hacking Your Brain’s “Reward System” to Change Habits

How often do you feel like it is a struggle to fight your brain to break bad habits and start healthy ones? Here’s a short video that shows you the neuroscience behind why this is the case and how to hack your brain’s reward centers to get it to do the work for you.

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The Chemistry of Addiction

Hank describes how our brains respond biochemically to various addictive substances and behaviors and where those responses have come from, evolutionarily speaking.

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Why Do Our Brains Get Addicted?

Neuroscientist Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse at the NIH, applies a lens of addiction to the obesity epidemic.

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Dr. Joe Dispenza—Learn How to Reprogram Your Mind

Neuroscientist and meditation expert Dr. Joe Dispenza explains how to reprogram your mind.

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A Scientific Explanation of the Human Mind | Daniel Siegel | Big Think

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Daniel Siegel: The Teenage Brain

Daniel Siegel debunks myths about the Teenage Brain and “raging hormones.” He discusses the changes and remodeling of the brain within the adolescent period. He asserts that people need to learn about these changes to support and meet adolescents with empathy and compassion.

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Dr Daniel Siegel Presenting a Hand Model of the Brain

Many people experience times in their lives when they feel overwhelmed and need clarity. Our mission is to provide the highest quality psychological care by honoring the integrity of individuals and families who seek our services.

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Breaking Bad (Habits): Dr. Jud Brewer | Rich Roll Podcast

This is a powerful and potentially life altering conversation about the nature of addiction and the science of habit change.

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Dr. Rick Hanson Speaking at the Neuroplasticity and Education Conference - October 25, 2013

Dr. Rick Hanson speaking at the Neuroplasticity and Education: Strengthening the Connection conference presented by the Eaton Educational Group at the Westin Bayshore Hotel on October 25, 2013.

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Rick Hanson Speaking on the Not-Craving Brain

Rick Hanson Speaking on The Not-Craving Brain at Mindfulness Conference by FACES Conferences.

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Addiction Recovery