In this video, Anat Baniel narrates these case reviews of children with autism receiving Anat Baniel Method NeuroMovement lessons.
06:39 min
Anat Baniel, founder of the Anat Baniel Method (ABM), introduces attendees of the 2016 Hemispherectomy Conference and Family Reunion to the fundamental principles of ABM.
Get Natural Pain Relief by Changing Patterns of Movement in Your Brain Very often, pain is caused by deeply ingrained poor habits of movement. These habits are formed in the brain circuity and manifest through movement that is either harmonious and pleasurable, or painful and limited.
The "secret" for achieving greater vitality, mobility, brilliance and joy lies in your brain's ability to wake up and create new connections and patterns. Your brain can change for the better throughout life.To thrive, you need to make sure that it does.
Anat Baniel Method NeuroMovement is a science-based, breakthrough approach that focuses on the child's brain and its remarkable abilities to change and learn.
How to prevent injuries in sports and increase strength and flexibility by accessing your brain
This video shows Anat Baniel working with Isabel who was diagnosed with periventricular leukomalacia (a type of brain injury) and mild cerebral palsy. See Isabel's progress with 4 months of ABM lessons.
In this video, Michale Chatham, BSN LMT explains why bodywork is done in conjunction with a tongue tie release at Smile Ranch Dentistry. Bodywork prior to a release is imperative to see a good outcome, and the tongue is connected to many different parts of the body.
Dr. Peter Levine talks about child sexual abuse and relational trauma.
Eileen asks Byron to talk about how her inquiry-based work relates to the body. In her answer, Byron provides a brief introduction to her powerful 4-question process.