In this video, Anat Baniel narrates these case reviews of children with autism receiving Anat Baniel Method NeuroMovement lessons.
06:39 min
Anat studied and worked with Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais for 11 years. In their work together, Dr. Feldenkrais encouraged Anat to find her own voice. He was adamant that Anat do the work in her own distinct way, which allowed her to fully develop and evolve the Anat Baniel Method.
This video is a short section from a lesson showing Anat Baniel working with a five-year-old boy with Autism Spectrum Disorder, who, despite many attempts over years by his parents, has not learned to pee in the potty.
In this class, psychoanalyst and author Erica Komisar discusses the science behind raising resilient adolescents, an age group that is facing more mental distress than ever. Ms.
Owner April Schottelkorb says the gym includes special features to help accommodate children with diverse needs.
Autism - A routine and structure are vital for the child.
Participants will learn when is the “right time” to request a neuropsychological evaluation and how recommendations from a neuropsychological evaluation are used to support neurodiverse individuals at school, at work, and at home.
In the Priestley family, three of four children have been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Though Dad, Aidan, was never diagnosed as a child, he too has come to recognise his symptoms through his children and appreciate the value that an earlier diagnosis may have had.
In November 2015, the Young Men in the Imperial Falls ward decided to change some lives for the better. They surprised more than 30 girls and told them how fantastic they all were!
From sudden changes like Zoom lessons to social isolation, the pandemic has hit children in ways we may not yet be able to quantify. It’s an issue psychologist Rebecca Kennedy is putting front and center in her work.
If your child turns away everything that you serve on the plate, he may be a picky eater. It's certainly worrying when your little one creates a fuss about food regularly. But don’t worry; a loss of appetite in toddlers is a common problem.