This video will provide you with immediate relief from your guilt by helping you to see your actions and their effects more clearly.
11:51 min
Dr. Hallowell on the Oprah Winfrey Show talking about forgiveness.
Spiritual teacher Iyanla Vanzant says many people confuse guilt (a feeling that you've done something wrong) with shame (a sense that there's something wrong with who you are). Find out why Iyanla says both sentiments are wasted emotions.
Over the years, Oprah has talked to many men and women struggling with the same burden-guilt. Watch as she and relationship expert Iyanla Vanzant look back on lessons learned from divorced parents, working mothers, Dr. Phil and a famous actress who blamed herself for her mother's death.
Oprah knows one thing for sure about anger: If you allow the past to define your present, you'll never get to live the life you were meant to live.
After 25 years and more than 30,000 guests, it was one man's definition of forgiveness that changed Oprah's life. Watch Oprah's aha! moment and listen to her reflect on what it truly means to forgive.