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What We Get Wrong About “Alcoholism”


There are a lot of stereotypes and stigma surrounding alcohol that prevent both understanding and adequate care, and the spectrum of symptoms that alcohol use disorder can include is a lot more complicated than you might think.

11:11 min


The Fall and Rise of a Gambling Addict | Justyn Rees Larcombe | TEDxRoyalTunbridgeWells

This is a shocking story of how a free £5 bet led to a full blown addiction to online gambling. How someone who had it all could loose everything, including his job, his family and his home and then find hope and restoration.

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James English Talks About His Drug and Gambling Addiction and Why He Made the Changes

James English talks to Elliot Reeves from Inspired Edinburgh, who has kindly let us use the interview he recently done with James to celebrate reaching 25 episodes. James speaks openly about his battles with drink, drugs, gambling and women.

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Addiction Recovery