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The Secret to Stopping Fear and Anxiety (That Actually Works)

By Mel Robbins — 2017

Learn the secret to stopping fear, anxiety, and panic attacks. I'd tried tons of strategies to stop fear and none of them actually worked. I decided to create a new technique, combining the research-backed 5 Second Rule and the latest findings on the topics of fear and anxiety. See more...

12:25 min


Tara Brach on Facing Fear [Part 1] - Awakening Your Fearless Heart

Fear is a natural and universal part of our incarnation, and, when it goes on overdrive, we get imprisoned in the suffering of separation.

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Freedom from Fear-Based Beliefs - Tara Brach

This talk looks at how we get imprisoned in fear based, limiting beliefs. We then explore key meditative steps that help release these veils and reveal the fullness and goodness of our essential being.

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