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The Secret to Stopping Fear and Anxiety (That Actually Works)

By Mel Robbins — 2017

Learn the secret to stopping fear, anxiety, and panic attacks. I'd tried tons of strategies to stop fear and none of them actually worked. I decided to create a new technique, combining the research-backed 5 Second Rule and the latest findings on the topics of fear and anxiety. See more...

12:25 min


Living Life Without Fear - Neale Donald Walsch

Psychologists such as John B. Watson, Robert Plutchik, and Paul Ekman have suggested that there is only a small set of basic or innate emotions and that fear is one of them.

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Neale Donald Walsch Discusses The Emotion Of Fear

This insightful video has been viewed by only a handful of people and now it's your turn to be moved in a very deep and meaningful way. You will be captivated and inspired as Neale discusses the widespread topic of fear and how we can utilize this emotion to further our growth.

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