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The Secret to Stopping Fear and Anxiety (That Actually Works)

By Mel Robbins — 2017

Learn the secret to stopping fear, anxiety, and panic attacks. I'd tried tons of strategies to stop fear and none of them actually worked. I decided to create a new technique, combining the research-backed 5 Second Rule and the latest findings on the topics of fear and anxiety. See more...

12:25 min


My Cancer Journey—Hate & Anger

Here is video 4/5 talking about the emotion of Hate and Anger, two emotions that can lead you to a dark place. However I had to go through that darkness before I got to acceptance

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Rewire Your Anxious Brain: 3 Simple Neuroplasticity Exercises for Anxiety

Neuroplasticity is one of the most effective ways for you to overcome anxiety. Those neuroplasticity anxiety exercises can be life changing if you are consistent with them.

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A Therapist Shares 7 Tips for Managing Anxiety | Bustle #MentalHealthAction

Anxiety is extremely common. It is one of most prevalent mental health disorders, affecting 40 million adults in the United States, according to a 2018 report, with these numbers likely much higher due to the pandemic.

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Bill Hader on Accepting Anxiety

This is a clip from the Child Mind Institute’s special conversation with Bill Hader.

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Ram Dass Shares the Antidote to Fear

How can we balance fear with equanimity? Ram Dass shares the antidote to fear, and the ways that we can allow our own humanity in order to extricate ourselves from the web of thought forms that create our own suffering.

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