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Guided Meditation Sleep—a Guided Train Journey to Sleep, Stress Relief and Deep Relaxation


Guided sleep meditation for relief of stress, anxiety and insomnia. Ride a train with the sounds of the tracks in the background easing your thoughts as you are transported away from worry to a place of peace and guided to sleep. See more...

01:01:19 min


The Gathering Room: Coping When Life Hits the Accelerator

Did you know that at just 5 weeks old, babies hit a major developmental milestone? The new kiddo in Martha’s household has just reached this age and is experiencing the associated burst of neurological development which can be both overwhelming and unpleasant! That got Martha thinking about how...

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Addiction and Trust: Marc Lewis at TEDxRadboudU 2013

A former drug addict himself, Lewis now researches addiction. In order to get over ones addiction, he explains, self-trust is necessary. Unfortunately, self- trust is extremely difficult for an addict to achieve.

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Pain Is Not Suffering

In this video clip taken from the Buddhist Geeks Conference 2011, Kelly McGonigal explores the neuroscience of meditation to help us understand how practice shapes the mind, and offers fresh insight into concepts like mindfulness and suffering.

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‘Default Mode Network’ Is Suppressed by Meditation Practice | Roland Griffiths

It is Dr. Patrick’s goal to challenge the status quo and encourage the wider public to think about health and longevity using a proactive, preventative approach.

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Mindfulness in the Military | Amishi Jha, Major General Piatt, Anderson Cooper

From Wisdom 2.0's 2018 Mindfulness in America Summit in New York City.

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