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Guided Meditation Sleep—a Guided Train Journey to Sleep, Stress Relief and Deep Relaxation


Guided sleep meditation for relief of stress, anxiety and insomnia. Ride a train with the sounds of the tracks in the background easing your thoughts as you are transported away from worry to a place of peace and guided to sleep. See more...

01:01:19 min


The Posture of Ultimate Possibility

Elizabeth Lesser, cofounder of Omega Institute & the Omega Women's Leadership Center, demonstrates a simple but powerful hand gesture to add to meditation practices.

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Two Simple Mental Steps to Counter the Effects of Stress

In this video extracted from the feature documentary, The Connection, Harvard Professor Herbert Benson discusses the two simple mental steps needed to evoke the relaxation response, a physiological response in the body opposite to stress.

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Herbert Benson—the Relaxation Revolution: Enhancing Health Through Mind Body Healing

Pioneer of mind body medicine Herbert Benson discusses his book, "The Relaxation Revolution: Enhancing Your Personal Health Through the Science and Genetics of Mind Body Healing," presented by Harvard Book Store. In the 1970s, Dr.

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Mindfulness in the Military | Amishi Jha, Major General Piatt, Anderson Cooper

From Wisdom 2.0's 2018 Mindfulness in America Summit in New York City.

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Strategies to Become More Emotional Intelligent | Daniel Goleman | Wobi

How can emotional intelligence help us be better leaders? Are we really aware of how we manage ourselves and our relationships? In this video, Daniel Goleman explains the best strategies to improve our emotional intelligence to create better long-term relationships.

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The Science That Will Change Your Future | Dr. Bruce Lipton

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Who Are You . . . Really?

The purpose of this video is to relay the most sublime teaching of Sunyata—silence beyond any idea of silence, peace beyond any idea of peace, love beyond any idea of love, and the vast emptiness of the omniscience that defies description (gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi svāhā).

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3 Minutes to Cut Negativity

"Your value is not in how many experiences you have had. It is in your stability - in how much sacrifice you can do. Your value is in how effectively and how consistently you can live for others. Your value is in how you can take command of yourself and others in any situation.

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How to Succeed? Get More Sleep | Arianna Huffington

In this short talk, Arianna Huffington shares a small idea that can awaken much bigger ones: the power of a good night’s sleep.

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How to Control Stress - Sadhguru and Arianna Huffington

Stress is not a part of our lives - it is our inability to manage the body, mind, intellect, and life energies. Sadhguru explains that it is these inner dimensions of ourselves in friction that create stress.

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