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What Makes Pediatric Integrative Medicine Different


Healing is multilayered and multifaceted. As an integrative pediatrician, my approach is slightly different from traditional medicine. See more...

02:11 min

Finding the Balance Between Eastern and Western Medicine: A Conversation with Aviva Romm

On a blustery Friday night in 2009, I received a call from my doctor’s office at 10 o’clock. The on-call physician beseeched me to go to emergency room, but informed me that I could not drive myself: I either had to take a cab or have a loved one take me.

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Interview: Aviva Romm, M.D. | the New Health Paradigm

Aviva Romm is a midwife, herbalist, ecologist, mother, writer, and Yale-trained MD. She is the author of seven books. Her latest, this amazing book, The Adrenal Thyroid Revolution, was the #1 bestselling thyroid and immune health book.

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The Truth About Adrenal Fatigue

Have you ever been to the doctor to ask about the health symptoms you’re experiencing—like fatigue, anxiety, weight gain, cravings, hair loss, hormonal imbalances, thyroid symptoms—only to be told, “You’re fine, there’s nothing wrong with you”?

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Naturally Healthy Babies and Children: A Commonsense Guide to Herbal Remedies, Nutrition, and Health

Committed to finding natural ways to care for their children, many parents seek techniques that do not require the invasive procedures and medications often associated with Western medicine.

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Integrative Medicine