05:00 min
Alcoholics Anonymous and similar 12-step programs can lead to higher rates of continuous abstinence than other addiction treatment approaches like cognitive behavioral therapy, a large new study suggests.
The often life-saving gift of sponsorship carries a powerful message for all of those in recovery and is especially compelling for anyone new to recovery. This is a moving and hope-filled book that explains the role of sponsorship and the important role it plays in recovery.
A Meditation-A-Day to Aid the Addiction 12-Step Recovery Process Help in staying centered and finding inner peace. Karen Casey’s daily meditation book Peace a Day at a Time offers 365 reminders to help strengthen those traveling the path to recovery from addiction.
As part of the incomparable Hazelden Meditations series, the daily readings in A Life of My Own ask us to truly reflect on our relationships with people in our lives who are dealing with alcoholism or other substance use and addiction—and more importantly, to establish and improve a relationship...
Herb K., author of Twelve Step Guide to Using the Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book, continues sharing his insights to the Twelve Steps by explaining the how and why, using his own experience along with traditional and universal spiritual wisdom.
Alcoholics Anonymous may be just as good or better than scientifically proven treatments to help people quit drinking, according to a new review. But AA still doesn't work for everyone.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), the worldwide fellowship of sobriety seekers, is the most effective path to abstinence.
Their meetings used to take place discreetly in the basements of churches, a spare room at the Y.M.C.A., the back of a cafe. But when the pandemic hit last spring, members of Alcoholics Anonymous and other groups of recovering substance abusers found those doors quickly shut.
Women's recovery can differ from men's, and each person's recovery is in many ways unique.
For members of any twelve-step fellowship, this book provides a simple and clear guide to the instructions for working the steps as outlined in A.A.'s Big Book.