05:11 min
The Health Inn Show, an affiliate of Homeopathy World Community, welcomes guest Dana Ullman M.P.H, C.C.H to talk about pain management, the opiate crisis and homeopathy.
MPH, CCH. is one of America’s leading advocates for homeopathy. He is a prolific author and educator in the field of Homeopathy and is the founder of Homeopathic Educational Services, America’s leading resource center for homeopathic books, tapes, medicines, software, and correspondence courses.
Dana Ullman talks to us this week about how to detox the body using homeopathy and the evidence that homeopathic medicine works for detox.
short lecture by Dana Ullman, MPH, CCH, is a part of his e-course in LEARNING TO USE A HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE KIT.
An introduction to Homeopathy with Dana Ullman, MPH.
Rachel Roberts discusses the role homeopathy has to play in integrated healthcare, how it can reduce antibiotic use, and the research which demonstrates clinical benefits of homeopathy when prescribed by doctors.
This video helps all conventional doctors to get an orientation about homeopathy which will help them help their patients.
Watch This Video To Learn: How Homeopathy Was Created, Why Homeopathy Works, Where You Can Find Remedies, & How Legitimate Are Homeopathic Doctors?
School of Homeopathy Teacher Jo Daly, CCH Previously Dean of Education at the School of Homeopathy, New York, Jo began teaching in England in the 80’s and then moved to the US where she was a founder of the Pacific Academy of Homeopathy.
Susan Sonz, CCH, Director of the New York School of Homeopathy answers the question, "What is homeopathy?"