17:33 min
The author writes that what she does on behalf of healing any individual or being must also be healing, even if not directly extended, for the world itself.
Satish Kumar walked 8,000 miles to spread the message of peace around the world. Here he gives his recipe for a better world.
"In her book, From Quantum Physics to Energy Healing – A Physicist’s Journey to Mind and Healing, Dr. Johanna Blomqvist provides a stimulating and informative introduction to the phenomenon of anomalous energy healing, along with the story of her own journey of exploration.
We are all members of a one-earth society, and caring for the earth and soul is interrelated. This is the message of Satish Kumar, the internationally respected peace and environment activist who has been gently setting the agenda for change for over 50 years.
The book will appeal most to people who realize that they are “tree people.” It is poetic, educational, inspirational, spiritual, and down to earth, covering the subject of trees from anatomy and physiology to trees as archetypal and sacred symbols.
According to conventional wisdom, when you’re sick, you call the doctor. (And maybe your mom.) But your trusty MD may not be the only one who can cure what ails you—especially if you’ve paid him or her a visit already and still aren’t feeling well.
As long as you can prove that it works, it doesn’t matter what you call it.
Autoimmunity—which affects three quarters more women than it does men—encompasses a range of conditions and diseases that involve the immune system mistakenly attacking the body’s own organs, tissues, and cells.
Even though we know stress has serious health consequences and can impact our energy, focus, and work performance, many of us still struggle. Food and lifestyle habits can make a significant difference, though.
What is being made crystal clear is that humanity stands at a monumentally fragile threshold with two stark choices placed before it in a situation of complete uncertainty: Those choices are: 1) To continue to worship a vision of power, totally distanced from sacred reality 2) Or to choose the path...