Celebrity nutritionist, Kimberly Snyder addresses some of her most frequently asked questions about her newest book, Beauty Detox Foods.
03:50 min
Dr. Sc. Moshe Feldenkrais exposing a few decisive criteria characterizing his successful work with cerebral palsy infants and young children, criteria which in fact are not different from any other kind of functional skill learning: 1. Repetition and invariance, 2.
Today I speak with Dr. Mark Hyman. He is an American physician, scholar and New York Times best-selling author. He is the founder and medical director of the Ultra Wellness Center and a columnist for The Huffington Post.
The End of Diabetes and Super Immunity. How to Eat, Prevent and Reverse Diabetes, while Boosting Your Body's Defenses. Live Longer, Stronger, and Disease Free. By Joel Fuhrman author of End dieting and There is a cure for diabetes.