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Kimberly Snyder: Glowing Green Smoothie from “The Beauty Detox”

By Kimberly Snyder — 2013

The secret to The Beauty Detox by Kimberly Snyder is eating whole nutrient-rich food that help make you more beautiful. Learn how to make the Glowing Green Smoothie.

04:33 min


Is Being Vegan Really Better for the Environment? - BBC News

Are you a vegan, thinking about going vegan or a total meat lover? Whatever your preference, an increasing number of people are choosing the plant-based diet. Everyone has their own reason for doing it whether it’s for health reasons, to reduce animal cruelty or to protect the environment.

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How Cooking Can Change Your Life

Renowned activist and author Michael Pollan argues that cooking is one of the simplest and most important steps people can take to improve their family's health, build communities, fix our broken food system, and break our growing dependence on corporations.

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Healthy Eating