02:36 min
From manifesting love to manifesting money, there are a wealth of manifestation techniques we can use to bring about positive change in our lives. The following 14 manifestation techniques are practices we can explore to help us achieve our dreams.
Looking to give manifestation a try yourself? Here are the steps experts propose you take to attempt to manifest anything you desire—money and love included.
There is so much change occurring politically and economically, and in the environment it is important that we hold a good and positive vision for the planet.
Science proves how important your thoughts and beliefs are when it comes to your physical health.
Why is it that just by walking into a room some people light up the atmosphere with their presence?
This book will teach you how to use word power rather than willpower to increase your motivation and overcome your struggles with eating and body care.
Change Your Words, Change Your World There are hundreds of books, workshops, and classes that teach us how to communicate effectively with others, but very few of us pay attention to how we speak to ourselves.
Hearing a judgmental or disapproving internal narrative is a very common mental health complaint, and not always a sign of schizophrenia or another serious diagnosis. Persistent inner chatter and rumination can lead to depression, anxiety, phobias, trauma, obsessive-compulsive thoughts, and more.
When you speak to yourself, do you use words of love and kindness? Or does your self-talk sound judgmental and cruel - bringing you down like a leak in a tire? Speaking to yourself with Love: Transform Your Self-Talk by Maryse Cardin is a roadmap to bringing more compassion, kindness, and love into...
We talk to ourselves all of the time, usually without realizing it. And most of what we tell ourselves is negative, counterproductive, and damaging, preventing us from enjoying a fulfilled and successful life.