32:21 min
In part three of this three-part series on The Science of Breathing, discover a few of the ways focusing on the breath in yoga—and in everyday life—can improve your overall well-being.
Western research is now proving what yogis have known all along: Breathwork can deliver powerful mind and body benefits. In this three-part series, learn how and why to take better advantage of it both in practice and in life.
Diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, journalist Shannon Harvey went in search of the missing link in healthcare. Featuring interviews with leading scientists The Connection proves we have more to say about our health than we thought.
A Powerful How-to Guide for Energetic Self-Care When you’re dealing with a health issue, what kind of energy practice will help the most? “To bring ourselves back into wellness,” teaches Lauren Walker, “we first have to understand what brought our body out of wellness.
In this post, I apply the principles of therapeutic yoga to working with chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia, migraines, or back pain.
For thousands of years, yoga has offered what Western therapists seek to provide today: a way to achieve the total health of body, mind, emotions, and spirit.