32:21 min
In this video, Peter Levine will share how he helped uncover an incomplete traumatic response that was stuck in the body.
Shame is at the intersection of individual psychology healing and social change. Clinically, when we follow the path of our shame, we experience the greatest healing, and culturally, when we move past the power of shame we can act together to improve civil rights for all.
Speaker, author and psychotherapist Nicole Sachs sat in with the Heal Squad to discuss her journey through extreme chronic pain - and a condition doctor’s said was hopeless.
This at-home yoga practice is created for you to be able to do on your own and designed with many types of people in mind. Ideally, the title will bring many people to the yoga mat and it will provide tools for healing, understanding, connection, and recovery.
There’s growing research into racism’s real impact on the body, especially how stress can impact health and how your DNA works. Resmaa Menakem, a therapist and trauma specialist has been drawing on this research for years.
Some background, history and explanation of The Four Foundations of Mindfulness as it relates directly to it's function inside of The Lotus Institute's Earth Gate Course on trauma-resiliency skillbuilding from a Buddhist Perspective. By Dr. Larry Ward.
The body is where our instincts reside and where we fight, flee, or freeze, and it endures the trauma inflicted by the ills that plague society.
Judith teaches the main practices of the Realization Process, a direct, embodied method of personal and relational healing and nondual awakening. She discusses the application of these practices to healing from trauma.
Along with distorting our fundamental view about the world, and the emergence of traumatic symptoms, unresolved trauma limits our capacity to be fully present; our potential and capacity for real love and intimacy are blocked, as is the ability to feel the intrinsic aliveness, vibrancy, and joy of...