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Conversation—B K S Iyengar

By B. K. S. Iyengar — 2014

32:21 min

The Bernie S. Siegel interview on ‘The Art of Healing’

One key distinction in this new wave of scholars—including books by Coles, Dossey and Bernie Siegel—is that these experts are not selling any specific religious creed. They’re not “faith healers.

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101 Exercises for the Soul: Simple Practices for a Healthy Body, Mind, and Spirit

In these pages, Dr. Bernie S. Siegel offers 101 simple exercises for the soul, a divine plan for healing yourself and transforming your life.

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Body Language

When Marc Ian Barasch was thirty-five years old, he had a series of vivid and startlingly detailed dreams about cancer. Though he had no physical symptoms, he went to see a doctor, insisted on medical tests, and was diagnosed with thyroid cancer.

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Zulu Shaman: Dreams, Prophecies, and Mysteries (Song of the Stars)

In this rare window into Zulu mysticism, Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa breaks the bonds of traditional silence to share his personal experiences as a sangoma—a Zulu shaman.

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On Holy Ground: Commitment and Devotion to Sacred Lands

The decision to write this book is born out of 20-30 years of experience.

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Jambalaya: The Natural Woman’s Book of Personal Charms and Practical Rituals

Since its original publication in 1985, Jambalaya has become a classic among Women’s Spirituality Educators, practitioners of traditional Africana religions, environmental activists, and cultural creatives.

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The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

"The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali are in themselves exceedingly brief, less than ten pages of large type in the original. Yet they contain the essence of practical wisdom, set forth in admirable order and detail. ... "Patanjali has in mind the spiritual man, to be born from the psychical.

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Dance of the Ancient One: How the Universe Solves Personal and World Problems

In his latest book, Mindell expands on his earlier concept of the processmind as he develops the notion of space–time dreaming or “dance of the ancient one” in his rigorous efforts toward the elucidation of a ToE (or theory of everything).

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Embracing the Beloved: Relationship as a Path of Awakening

Stephen and Ondrea Levine devoted more than eighteen years to investigating the mind/body relationship, particularly as it relates to the states healing, dying, and grieving. Their work has affected healing and medical practices worldwide.

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Coming to Our Senses: Healing Ourselves and the World Through Mindfulness

The definitive book for our time on the connection between mindfulness and our physical and spiritual wellbeing.

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Mind-Body Connection