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Conversation—B K S Iyengar

By B. K. S. Iyengar — 2014

32:21 min

The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down: How to Be Calm in a Busy World

Is it the world that’s busy, or is it my mind? The world moves fast, but that doesn’t mean we have to.

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How to Set Realistic Fitness Goals You’ll Actually Achieve, According to Top Trainers

Fitness goals are important on several counts. They hold us accountable, expand our definition of possible, and encourage us to push through temporary discomfort for longer-lasting change. But figuring out how to set fitness goals you’ll actually want to attain can be part art, part science.

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Dance of the Ancient One: How the Universe Solves Personal and World Problems

In his latest book, Mindell expands on his earlier concept of the processmind as he develops the notion of space–time dreaming or “dance of the ancient one” in his rigorous efforts toward the elucidation of a ToE (or theory of everything).

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Spiritual Practices for Times of Crisis

The greatest gift we can give our world is our presence, awake and attentive. What can help us do that? Here, drawn from ancient religions and wisdom traditions, are a handful of practices Joanna Macy has learned to count on.

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Mind-Body Connection