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Conversation—B K S Iyengar

By B. K. S. Iyengar — 2014

32:21 min


Mindfulness at Work | Scott Shute, David Gelles, Parneet Pal | Wisdom 2.0 2017

Scott Shute, David Gelles and Parneet Pal speak at Wisdom 2.0, 2017 in San Francisco.

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How Meditation Impacts the Brain and Implications for Health

How does mindfulness and meditation improve health? Helen Weng, UCSF Osher Center for Integrative Medicine, explains that training our internal mental lives can have positive effects on our minds, health, and relationships.

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3 Tips for Mindfulness (Without the Bullsh*T) with Poppy Jamie

British entrepreneur, Poppy Jamie is the founder of the science-backed mindfulness app “Happy Not Perfect.” In this video, she talks us through the functions of the app, and if you skip to a little later on, leads us in an empowering meditation to set our minds straight.

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How to Overcome Chronic Pain | Guided Imagery and Meditation

There are two main types of mindfulness meditation: focused attention, most typically on the breath, and open monitoring, being receptive to whatever arises moment by moment.

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Experiential Meditation and Q&A Led by Mark Epstein, MD

Mark Epstein, MD, leads those attending PSI's 2019 conference in experiential meditation, and takes questions from audience members.

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Wisdom Research Forum: “The Wisdom of Being Here Now” by Amishi Jha, PhD

The Wisdom of Being Here Now: Strengthening Attention with Mindfulness Training Presentation by Associate Professor of Psychology and Director of Contemplative Neuroscience, Mindfulness Research and Practice Initiative, Amish Jha, PhD from the University of Miami at the University of Chicago Wisdom...

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The Science of a Happy Mind, Part 2 | Nat Geo Live

Renowned neuroscientist Richard Davidson is finding that happiness is something we can cultivate and a skill that can be learned. Working with the Dalai Lama, Davidson is investigating the far-reaching impact of mindfulness, meditation, and the cultivation of kindness on human health and well-being.

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How Mindfulness Changes the Emotional Life of Our Brains | Richard J. Davidson | TEDxSanFrancisco

“Why is it that some people are more vulnerable to life’s slings and arrows and others more resilient?” In this eye-opening talk, Richard Davidson discusses how mindfulness can improve well-being and outlines strategies to boost four components of a healthy mind: awareness, connection,...

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Mind-Body Connection