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Conversation—B K S Iyengar

By B. K. S. Iyengar — 2014

32:21 min

Feeling Weighed Down by Regret? What Helps Me Let Go

If we can process our regrets with tenderness and compassion, we can use these hard memories as a part of our wisdom bank.

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78 - A Science-Backed Strategy for Making an Apology Effective

Whether you said something out of anger and hurt your partner’s feelings or you completely forgot about a deadline for work, your next move is critical. So on today’s Friday Fix, I share the exact things you should say to increase the chances that your apology will be accepted.

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The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down: How to Be Calm in a Busy World

Is it the world that’s busy, or is it my mind? The world moves fast, but that doesn’t mean we have to.

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Emotional Chaos to Clarity: Move from the Chaos of the Reactive Mind to the Clarity of the Responsive Mind

Despite our best-laid plans, life is difficult, and we sometimes experience anger, anxiety, frustration, and doubt. This emotional chaos can negatively affect the way we live our lives.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageEveryone thinks forgiveness is a lovely idea until he has something to forgive.

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Whole Again: Healing Your Heart and Rediscovering Your True Self After Toxic Relationships and Emotional Abuse

Jackson MacKenzie has helped millions of people in their struggle to understand the experience of toxic relationships. His first book, Psychopath Free, explained how to identify and survive the immediate situation.

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Right Here with You: Bringing Mindful Awareness into Our Relationships

In recent years scientists have discovered that mindfulness can reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance our sense of well-being.

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Good Morning, I Love You: Mindfulness + Self-Compassion Practices to Rewire Your Brain for Calm, Clarity + Joy

Many of us yearn to feel a greater sense of inner calm, ease, joy, and purpose. We have tried meditation and found it too difficult. We judge ourselves for being no good at emptying our minds (as if one ever could) or compare ourselves with yogis who seem to have it all together.

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Mind-Body Connection