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Byron Katie—Why Healing Requires Work

By Byron Katie — 2020

Byron shares her story and principles of her inquiry practice, "The Work."

46:54 min


Jeff Foster - Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview

Jeff Foster graduated in Astrophysics from Cambridge University in 2001. Several years after graduation, following a period of severe depression and illness, he became addicted to the idea of 'spiritual enlightenment', and embarked on an intensive spiritual search which lasted for several years.

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There’s Nothing Wrong with You! Spirituality as a Celebration of Imperfection—Jeff Foster

Author/speaker Jeff Foster talks about some of the misconceptions about enlightenment. He talks about your inherent perfection, your total uniqueness and original flavor, and your true pre-conceptual identity as the ever-present light of consciousness itself.

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From Depression to Spiritual Awakening - Jeff Foster

In a meeting, Jeff Foster is asked about his spiritual 'quest', and speaks from the heart about his journey from suicidal depression to spiritual awakening. Recorded live, 25th April 2015 in the Netherlands.

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"How I Freed Myself From Ego In 7 Days! (And You Can Too!)" Jeff Foster

Jeff Foster talks about exhaustion with spiritual seeking; how the mind is always seeking something 'out there', when the real treasure is much closer.

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Jeff Foster: Emotions, Feelings and Sensations Are Neither Personal nor Impersonal

Jeff Foster studied Astrophysics at Cambridge University. In his mid-twenties, after a long period of depression and illness, he became addicted to the idea of ‘spiritual enlightenment’ and embarked on an intensive spiritual quest for the ultimate truth of existence.

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How to Support a Loved One in Pain?—Jeff Foster

Jeff Foster talks with a woman about how to best support a loved one who is in emotional distress. Recorded 26th April live in Holland.

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