Byron shares her story and principles of her inquiry practice, "The Work."
46:54 min
At her SAND 2018 appearance, Karen Johnson, co-founder of the Diamond Approach, reminds us that “human” comes from humus, the earth, and “being” is what we feel meaningless without. We feel both these to be real, to be who we are.
From germinating 30,000 year old seeds to the effects of Type II diabetes on the National Health Service, Dr David Reilly MD’s fast paced talk on how to unlock the potential of human healing is both fascinating and touching.
In this video, we explore what it means to self-actualize and examine why most people struggle at this all-important task.
Writer Andrew Solomon has spent his career telling stories of the hardships of others. Now he turns inward, bringing us into a childhood of struggle, while also spinning tales of the courageous people he’s met in the years since.
In one of his final television interviews Viennese psychiatrist Viktor Frankl, author of "Man's Search for Meaning" explains how Logo therapy's concepts of meaning and self-transcendence contrast the deterministic views of modern psychotherapy.