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Byron Katie—Why Healing Requires Work

By Byron Katie — 2020

Byron shares her story and principles of her inquiry practice, "The Work."

46:54 min


Mark Nepo: The Two Ways Anyone Can Grow as a Human Being | SuperSoul Sunday | Oprah Winfrey Network

Poet and best-selling author says there are many ways to grow as human beings, but there are only two universal experiences: Either we are broken open or we willfully shed what isn't working in our lives. Watch as Mark explains what sacrifice means and how to find what's truly sacred in life.

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Awakening Joy: James Baraz on “What Is Mindfulness?”

“Joy is not for just the lucky few–it’s a choice anyone can make.” Awakening Joy is an internationally recognized Internet course created by noted teacher, author, and co-founder of Spirit Rock Meditation Center, James Baraz.

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Gangaji: the Need to Heal

If what it is you want it to simply to be done with this woundedness then you will continue to search for something that temporarily at least makes you feel better.

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Who Are You . . . Really?

The purpose of this video is to relay the most sublime teaching of Sunyata—silence beyond any idea of silence, peace beyond any idea of peace, love beyond any idea of love, and the vast emptiness of the omniscience that defies description (gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi svāhā).

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Deepak Chopra—Can the Mind Heal the Body?

It is standard medicine that mental states can affect physical states. That's how placebos work-when sham drugs improve health, working by inducing the body to generate hormones.

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The Way Things Are with Huston Smith

In this video renowned thinker Huston Smith offers the powerful story of his spiritual journey through life.

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Four Questions

This brief clip from cultural anthropologist Angeles Arien offers an indigenous view on self or system diagnosis. Really ask yourself the questions, followed by the essence question of a Chief: "what is needed for wholeness and balance?"

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Be Patient, Master Is at Work- from Amma's Heart - Series: Episode 14 - Mata Amritanandamayi Devi

All Masters have said, “Aham Brahmasmi” (I am Brahman) and “Tat Twam Asi,” (You are that). Disciples then perform constant shravanam, mananam and nidhidyasanam (listening, reflection and internalization), and through this process they reach the depths of these statements.

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How Letting in Pain Can Make You the Person You’re Meant to Be | SuperSoul Sunday | OWN

Author Glennon Doyle Melton offers her hard-won wisdom on how when you let pain in, you can start healing and become the person you’re meant to be.

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